Sensor Specific Mission Planning

While there are many software choices available to mission plan/execute with the M300/350RTK and L1 or L2, we find DJI Pilot 2 to be more than adequate for topographic mapping needs.

The easiest way to plan missions using DJI Pilot 2 is to use a KML or KMZ file uploaded to a micro SD card you insert into your controller.

To do this, create a kml/kmz in Google Earth, and put it onto a microSD card, then insert the microSD card into the slot on your controller. When planning your mission, select the option to import a kmz and then select the correct directory to find your file.

Once you have the kml/kmz imported, tap on the tile to open it for further mission planning.

    • Select "Zenmuse L2" for payload, and select “lidar mapping” This will collect both lidar and photogrammetry data.

    Payload Settings:

    • Echo Mode - Penta

    • Sample Rate - Max allowable

    • Scan - Non Repeat

    General Settings:

    • Leave "Calibration Flight" On (the drone will fly a few calibration flight lines prior to beginning the mission. 

    • Flight Altitude - 200'-300’

    • Speed - default OK, can slow it down if needed especially in low light conditions for the photogrammetry sensor

    In Advanced Settings:

    • Side Overlap - 68% (75% visible)

    • Front Overlap - 75%

    • Shooting Mode - Timed Interval Shooting

    • Adjust course angle as desired

    • Margin - 0' (or as desired)

    General Best Practices:

    • Single back-and-forth flight pattern (no crosshatch)

    • Nadir Imagery only (Straight down, negative 90-degree gimbal angle)

    • Fly at least 1 flight line beyond your GCPs and flight boundary 


    ** To avoid having to wait for the system to initialize each time you swap batteries, you can hot-swap them. You can remove one flight battery, leave the drone on, and replace it with a new one, and then swap the other battery out after the first battery has been replaced. This will keep the system from resetting.

    • Select "Zenmuse L1" for payload, and LIDAR for mission type

      •  this will collect both lidar and photogrammetry data.

    • Calibration Flight ON (drone will fly back and forth 6 times prior to beginning the mission to better calibrate the IMU)

    • Flight Altitude - 200'-300’

    • Speed - Default (fly slower in low lighting conditions, only fly max speed in bright/sunny conditions)

    In Advanced Settings:

    • Side overlap 68% (75% visible)

    • Front overlap 75% visible

    • Shooting Mode - Timed Interval Shooting

    • Adjust course angle as desired

    • Margin - as desired for mission needs

    Back out of Advanced Settings and tap "payload settings"

    In payload settings:

    • Echo Mode - Triple

    • Sample Rate - 160hz

    • Scan - Non Repeat

    General Best Practices:

    • Single back and forth flight pattern (no crosshatch)

    • Nadir Imagery only (Straight down, negative 90-degree gimbal angle)

    • Fly at least 1 flight line beyond your GCPs and flight boundary

    M300RTK/L1 Tips:

    **Allow the L1 IMU to warm up fully before flying. The HMS screen should indicate whether or not the L1 is ready to go, this can take up to 10 minutes to warm up after first turned on.

    ** To avoid having to wait for the L1 to warm up each time you swap batteries, hot-swap them. You can remove one flight battery and leave the drone on, replace it with a new one, and then swap the other battery out after the first battery has been replaced. This will keep the L1 from having to go through its IMU initialization and warm up again.

Have a question or need some help? Our Flight Ops team is here to assist. Send us an email or fill out the form below.