Camera Issues
Unfocused/Distorted Imagery
Signs of camera issue:
Low visibility of features on the ground
Blurry/grainy images
Dark/poor lighting conditions on images
Possible recommendations:
Fly below clouds when they are present
Fly when the sun is high for better lighting
In darker lighting, adjust settings to fly slower to compensate for low light conditions
Ensure the lens is clean and has no filter attachments
Gimbal Power Failure
Signs of camera issue:
Gimbal lost power during flight and hung limp, taking oblique photos
Possible recommendations:
Refly, if not enough data for Ortho/DSM
Keep an eye on the preview on the iPad to watch for gimbal failure and power cycling the drone usually gets rid of the glitch
Camera Out of Calibration
Signs of camera issue:
Modest error showing up consistently throughout project
Very high reliability in accuracy of ground control points
Possible recommendations:
Fix camera/re-calibration
Re-fly with another drone
Buy new drone
Process with current error levels